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Dynamic Search Ads or DSA, or whatever you want to call it. They are a type of search ads that basically let the Google algorithm and Artificial Intelligence come into play, and playing a very important role.
More and more advances are being made by Google Ads and it does so with a certain focus, relying on its algorithms and its automatic learning so that people who want to start will find it much easier, and those of us dedicated to the management of PPC campaigns have it even easier.
In large ecommerce accounts can be something very to consider and that can generate a very good return. The same with the small ones, but not on such a large scale.
What are dynamic search ads?
The dynamic search ads will be found within the search ads, since it is the searches that make this type of ads active.

With this type of advertisement, you expand the coverage in your search terms. And you even come up with keywords you wouldn’t have imagined. Discover “other routes” by which customers reach your products. This is something really interesting.
These ads automatically generate a title and url. The title here is longer than the normal one (25 characters).
It may share some similarity with theSKAGs campaign management model. In the advantages you get from them and the model of organization and segmentation. But above all that advantage of personalization in the searches in order to increase the CTR and the Quality Level.
So far everything looks good in the dynamic search ads. Now let’s see how it works.
How do Dynamic Search Ads work?
Dynamic search ads work like normal ads but unlike the latter you don’t put the keywords you want to appear by. Google Ads, thanks to its fabulous algorithm and artificial intelligence, tracks all the information on the website. Or you can upload a feed.
From that trackeo already Google Ads elaborates a series of categories of products basically. Within these categories what it does is “suck” the keywords that are in the pages and product sheets and relates them to the searches that are made.
Please note that this does not mean that you can forget about those unwanted searches. You’re going to have to keep cleaning up the search terms and feeding in those negative keyword lists.
The conclusion is that dynamic search ads will make the title and landing page match the search made by the client.
Differences between DSA and normal search ads
There are two clear differences. One refers to a more visual aspect and the other refers to a more internal aspect.
As far as appearance is concerned, it is in the case of search ads; we all know that there is a limitation in the characters of the title, as well as in the description and the path. However, in this type of campaign you will see titles of more than 25 characters.

Internally, in relation to the bidding system, it has a different way of interacting with smart bidding and with very good results. The clear difference is that you do not bid by keyword but by automatic guidance.
Ventajas y desventajas
Before I start reading I must tell you that almost everything related to dynamic search ads are positive aspects saved from a couple of points.
The advantages for dynamic search ads are
- If you have a good SEO on your page it will be easier, more profitable and much wider the offers you will have when creating a dynamic search advertising campaign.
- You canreach more keywords and increase your coverage with new search terms. And in a very easy way.
- Its creation is very simple. Basically you must select the campaign groups, in relation to the “reading” you do on your Google website, and put the descriptions you want to appear.
- Artificial Intelligence and the algorithm are the backbone of this type of campaign. So they will do a lot of optimization for you.
Like everything, there are always some less good aspects. These are the following;
- The downside to dynamic search ads is that you don’t have much control over the ads. This happens by leaving part of the work in the hands of the AI and the algorithm.
- Searches that are underperforming will eat part of the cake of those that are. Since you cannot bid on keywords, you also have no control over these and the search terms.
- In some cases, the title of the ad may not match the search.
How are dynamic search ads made?
The process of creating this type of search ad is very simple. So let’s take it one step at a time.
As in all processes of creating ads, to create it you must go to the account in which you want to create them and hit the “+” and “New campaign”.
First you must choose the target for which you want the Google algorithm to work in your dynamic search ad campaigns.

The next step is to choose the type of ad you want it to be. Obviously this step is quite clear and we must select “Search“.

Now let’s set up the campaign. You will have to give it a name, we usually add DSA to the beginning to differentiate it. Otherwise it will look like any other search ad.
I always recommend, in this step, to remove the boxes to include them in the Google partners and also in the Display Network.
Luego te toca configurar aspectos como las ubicaciones de países donde quieras que se muestran tus anuncios y seleccionar el tipo de puja como el presupuesto para tu campaña.First you must choose the target for which you want the Google algorithm to work in your dynamic search ad campaigns.
Those of us who are familiar with the world of the PPC will already have quite a lot of experience with this step.
The following is important, as this is where we must indicate that we want the ads to be dynamic.

You must select the dynamic type and then enter the URL of your website.
The next step is to create the different ad groups. Here the important thing is that you have previously made a sketch with the groups of ads you want. A logical and clear structure is to create ad groups by groups/product categories of your online shop.
If you see that Google does not read your web page and suggests the same already ad groups. What you have to do is to add the URLs of the product category and do it manually.

You can add a few more rules and make it more specific. As long as the dimensions of your business and your traffic allow you to have a good operation.
The last step and is to create the ads at the level of placing the descriptions you want to appear in the ad.
If you like our posts about PPC you can read many more here. But if you are interested in the whole world of PPC, analytics and CRO in our blog there are also very good posts on these topics.