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[PPC] – Dynamic search ads or DSA for beginners
Dynamic Search Ads or DSA, or whatever you want to call it. They are a type of search ads that basically let the Google algorithm and Artificial Intelligence come into play, and playing a very important role. More and more advances are being made by Google Ads and it...
[PPC] – Facebook Power5, an algorithm at your ecommerce’s service
Before using Faccebook Power5, when you manage your Facebook ads, it is likely that every day you will find yourself in front of your screen with something like this: Dozens and dozens of advertising campaigns, each containing dozens of additional ad sets. And yet,...
[PPC] – How to make a Smart Shopping campaign. Complete guide.
How to make a Smart Shopping campaign. That was the first question I asked myself when I found out Google Ads had begun to launch this type of campaign, which together with Dynamic Search Ads or DSA, had created a tandem in which dejábamos que la IA y el algoritmo de...
[PPC] – Google Ads Tool: Keyword Planner and Performance Planner
In this post, I want us to know even more about the Google Ads tools that help us to improve the management of PPC campaigns. Many of us use third party tools to reinforce our campaigns. In our case, at AdKonversion, we are in favour of using the SEMrush Boston...
[PPC] – Discover your competitors’ Facebook advertising strategies
Can you imagine being able to know the advertising strategies of your competitors on Facebook? When starting from scratch, you may find yourself with many questions like Do they use single image or carousel ads?What kind of images do they choose?Do they have...